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Total War: WARHAMMER II – Grafik-Settings werden nicht gespeichert – Lösung


Kürzlich habe ich mir einen neuen PC angeschafft und entsprechend viele meiner wichtigsten Games neu installiert – dabei wurde ich unter anderem mit dem Problem konfrontiert, dass meine Grafik-Einstellungen in Total War: WARHAMMER II nicht gespeichert wurden. Nach jedem Neustart wurden diese wieder auf Standard zurückgesetzt – extrem nervig. Entsprechend musste eine Lösung her und ich habe für mich einen recht simplen Weg gefunden, sodass WARHAMMER II wieder ordnungsgemäß gesetzte Settings abspeichert.

Es kann unterschiedliche Ursachen haben, wenn Total War: WARHAMMER II getätigte Grafik-Einstellungen nicht richtig speichert – meine Lösung funktioniert immer nur dann, wenn das Problem durch eine fehlende Präferenz-Datei ausgelöst wurde. Dabei handelt es sich um eine einfache Datei, welche sich die Einstellungen fürs Spiel merkt und beim Start des Spiels entsprechend setzt. Diese Datei fehlte mir, warum auch immer. Zum Glück kann man die Datei manuell leicht ersetzen, was mein Problem umgehend löste.

Keine Sorge – der von mir vorgestellte Lösungsweg stammt aus dem offiziellen Total-War-Forum und wird dort als mögliche Lösung für diesen Bug genannt.

Hier meine Anleitung, damit WARHAMMER II von Euch gesetzte Settings speichert:

Für versierte Nutzer hier eine kompakte Kurzanleitung, eine ausführliche Anleitung folgt direkt darunter.


  1. Windows-Taste + R drücken

  2. Im nun geöffneten Fenster folgendes eintippen: %appdata%

  3. Es wurde der AppData-Ordner geöffnet

  4. Geht zum Ordner: Roaming

  5. Geht zum Ordner: The Creative Assembly

  6. Geht zum Ordner: Warhammer2

  7. Geht zum Ordner: scripts

  8. Ist der Ordner leer bzw. fehlt dort die Datei preferences.script, ist das vermutlich Eure Fehlerquelle

  9. Erstellt ein neues Textdokument (Notepad) und fügt folgenden Inhalt ein:

    Inhalt des Textdokuments – ausklappen
    write_preferences_at_exit true; # write_preferences_at_exit , Write preferences at exit # app_multirun true; # app_multirun , Allow multiple instances of the application # x_res 1024; # x_res , Fixed window width # y_res 768; # y_res , Fixed window height # x_pos 440; # x_pos , Window position # y_pos 125; # y_pos , Window position # vfs_log_level 0; # vfs_log_level , 0 – off, 1 – mod-user, 2 – dev # unit_test false; # unit_test , unit test (for daily build) # gfx_first_run false; # gfx_first_run , First time application run # gfx_video_memory 0; # gfx_video_memory , Override available video memory (bytes) # gfx_fullscreen false; # gfx_fullscreen , Run the application in fullscreen or not # gfx_vsync false; # gfx_vsync , vertical synchronization # explicit_thread_affinity true; # explicit_thread_affinity, Enable thread affinity # enable_steam_update_thread true; # enable_steam_update_thread, Enable Steam Update Thread # gfx_aa 0; # gfx_aa , Set antialiasing, 0-no, 1 = FXAA # gfx_texture_filtering 0; # gfx_texture_filtering , Set texture filtering, 0-trilinear, 4- anisotropic 16x # gfx_texture_quality 0; # gfx_texture_quality , Set the quality of textures. 0 – small, 3 – ultra # gfx_device_type 1; # gfx_device_type , Set device type, 0-D3D11 1-D3D11, 2-GL3 3-D3D12 # gfx_ssao false; # gfx_ssao , Enable Screen Space Ambient Occlusion buffer # gfx_distortion true; # gfx_distortion , Enable Distortion Effect buffer # gfx_depth_of_field 0; # gfx_depth_of_field , Set depth of field quality 0 – off, 2 – high # gfx_fog 0; # gfx_fog , Set the fog level. 0 – low, 1 – high # gfx_unlimited_video_memory false; # gfx_unlimited_video_memory , Enable unlimited video memory allocation # gfx_tesselation false; # gfx_tesselation , Enable tesselation # gfx_alpha_blend 0; # gfx_alpha_blend , Set the alpha blending quality, 0 – alpha test, 1 – standard OIT, 2 – Intel accelerated AOIT # gfx_gpu_select 0; # gfx_gpu , Select gpu on a multi-gpu config, 0 = first gpu, 1 = second gpu, … # gfx_direct_resource_access false; # gfx_direct_resource_access , Enable Direct Resource Access # gfx_sky_quality 0; # gfx_sky_quality , Set the quality of sky. 0 – low, 3 – ultra # gfx_unit_quality 0; # gfx_unit_quality , Set the quality of units. 0 – low, 3 – ultra # gfx_building_quality 0; # gfx_building_quality , Set the quality of buildings. 0 – low, 3 – ultra # gfx_water_quality 0; # gfx_water_quality , Set the quality of water. 0 – low, 3 – ultra # gfx_shadow_quality 0; # gfx_shadow_quality , Set shadow quality. 0 – off, 4 – extreme # gfx_tree_quality 0; # gfx_tree_quality , Set tree quality. 0 – low, 3 – ultra # gfx_grass_quality 0; # gfx_grass_quality , Set grass quality. 0 – low, 3 – ultra # gfx_terrain_quality 0; # gfx_terrain_quality , Set terrain quality. 0 – low, 3 – ultra # gfx_lighting_quality 0; # gfx_lighting_quality , Set lighting quality. 0 – low, 1 – high # gfx_unit_size 0; # gfx_unit_size , Set unit size. 0 – small, 3 – ultra # gfx_screen_space_reflections false; # gfx_screen_space_reflections , Enable Screen Space Reflections. # gfx_dx12_multi_gpu false; # gfx_dx12_multi_gpu , Enable DirectX 12 multi GPU support. IMPORTANT: the Steam Overlay must currently be disabled or the game will crash ; Steam -> Settings -> In-Game -> Enable the Steam Overlay while in-game # gfx_gamma_setting 2; # gfx_gamma_setting , Set gamma correction # gfx_brightness_setting 1.2; # gfx_brightness_setting , Set brightness # gfx_resolution_scale 1; # gfx_resolution_scale , 0-1 Resolution scale that 3d scene is rendered at and then upscaled to fill the scene (so lower is better performance, but looks worse) # gfx_screenshot_folder “./screenshots”; # gfx_screenshot_folder , Folder to where save screenshots relative to Empire directory # gfx_gpu “”NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980″”; # gfx_gpu , The GPU description # gfx_effects_quality 0; # gfx_effects_quality , Set effects quality. 0 – low, 3 – ultra # gfx_vignette false; # gfx_vignette , Enable vignette # gfx_blood_effects false; # gfx_blood_effects , Enable Blood effects # batter_meter false; # battery meter , Show battery status # porthole_3d false; # porthole_3d , If true, portholes in UI use 3d models. Otherwise use 2d images. # fix_res true; # fix_res , Forbid window resizing # fix_window_pos true; # fix_window_pos , Forbid window repositioning # camera_move_speed 100; # camera_move_speed , Set camera movement speed # camera_turn_speed 5; # camera_turn_speed , Set camera turn speed # cinematic_smoothing -15; # cinematic_smoothing , Set battle cinematic smoothing level, must be negative. # default_battle_camera_type 0; # default_battle_camera , default battle camera: 0-totalwar 1-rts 2-debug 3-cinematic 4-arena # mouse_wheel_sensitivity 50; # mouse_wheel_sensitivity , mouse wheel sensitivity: <0-100> default value = 50 # invert_cam_x_axis false; # invert_camera_x_axis , invert camera tilting up/down # invert_cam_y_axis false; # invert_camera_y_axis , invert camera panning left/right # ui_mouse_scroll true; # ui_mouse_scroll , Allow/disallow scrolling of the map by putting the cursor at the edge of the screen # lock_cursor_to_window false; # lock_cursor_to_window , If true, cursor will be clamped to confines of game window # battle_camera_shake_enabled true; # battle_camera_shake_enabled , Enable battle camera shake effects # ui_colour_profile 0; # ui_colour_profile <0|1|2|3>, 0 = default, 1 = deuteranopia, 2 = protanopia, 3 = tritanopia # ui_scale 1; # ui_scale , Scale of UI, 1 is default size. Can range between 0.5-2, 0.5 being half size and 2 being double size, but can only scale up if running 1440p or larger res # ui_selection_markers 1; # ui_selection_markers , Show the selection markers under the units (0 is off, 1 is show on mouseover/hold space, 2 is locked on all the time) # ui_path_markers 1; # ui_path_markers , Show paths in naval battles (0 is off, 1 is show on mouseover/hold space, 2 is locked on all the time) # ui_target_zones 1; # ui_target_zones , Show firing arcs etc (0 is off, 1 is show on mouseover/hold space, 2 is locked on all the time) # ui_unit_auras 1; # ui_unit_auras , Show unit auras (inspiration/scare ranges) (0 is off, 1 is show on mouseover/hold space, 2 is locked on all the time) # ui_unit_id_cats 1; # ui_unit_id_cats , If true, will show category icon part of unit cats (0 is off, 1 is show on mouseover/hold space, 2 is locked on all the time) # ui_unit_id_bars 2; # ui_unit_id_bars , If true, will show bars (health, ammo) part of unit cats (0 is off, 1 is show on mouseover/hold space, 2 is locked on all the time) # ui_unit_id_status 1; # ui_unit_id_status , If true, will show status part of unit cats (0 is off, 1 is show on mouseover/hold space, 2 is locked on all the time) # ui_unit_id_threat 1; # ui_unit_id_threat , If true, will show threat of enemy units to current selection if just a single unit selected # ui_unit_flags 2; # ui_unit_flags , If true, will show 3d flags above units (0 is off, 2 is locked on all the time) # ui_unit_tooltip_effects 2; # ui_unit_tooltip_effects , If true, will show ability effects on unit tooltip (0 is off, 2 is locked on all the time) # ui_leaf_clipping 2; # ui_leaf_clipping , If true, will hide nearby leaves to make fighting in forests more user friendly (0 is off, 1 is just clip on hold space, 2 is locked on all the time) # show_projectile_trails true; # show_projectile_trails , Show projectile trails… # ui_show_help_markers true; # ui_show_help_markers , Show/hide the markers that indicate various things such as disembark zones and bastions # ui_telestration_always_on false; # ui_telestration_always_on , Enables telestration for single player (for if want to draw for replays, or videos, etc) # ui_card_mode true; # ui_card_mode , Determines if card panel shown or minimised # ui_radar_mode true; # ui_radar_mode , Determines if radar panel shown or minimised # ui_radar_scale 1; # ui_radar_scale , Scale of battle radar # ui_unit_tooltip_expand_mode 2; # ui_unit_tooltip_expand_mode <0|1|2>, 0 = never expand, 1 = delayed expand, 2 = always expand # battle_groups_locked_by_default true; # battle_groups_locked_by_default , If true, groups created in battle will default to locked formation groups. Otherwise will default to selection groups (default) # battle_run_by_default true; # battle_run_by_default , If true, drag out orders (right click, alt+left, and shift right click drawing of paths) will run by default, otherwise will walk (default is run) # battle_skirmish_default false; # battle_skirmish_default , If true, units in battle with skirmish will have it on by default # battle_defend_default true; # battle_defend_default , If true, units in battle with skirmish will have it on by default # scroll_transition_enabled true; # scroll_transition_enabled , If true, scrolling camera/tacmap will auto-transition between the two (default on) # chat_window_pos_x 0; # chat_window_pos_x , chat windows position on screen # chat_window_pos_y 47; # chat_window_pos_y , chat windows position on screen # chat_window_width_scale 1; # chat_window_width_scale , chat windows dimensions on screen # chat_window_height_scale 1; # chat_window_height_scale , chat windows dimensions on screen # browser_window_pos_x 265; # browser_window_pos_x , browser windows position on screen # browser_window_pos_y 159; # browser_window_pos_y , browser windows position on screen # browser_window_width_scale 1; # browser_window_width_scale , browser windows dimensions on screen # browser_window_height_scale 1; # browser_window_height_scale , browser windows dimensions on screen # ui_unit_id_scale 0; # ui_unit_id_scale , Sets scale of unit banners # battle_realism_mode false; # allow_battle_realism_mode , Imposes legendary difficulty settings on battle ui; no radar, reduced tooltip and banner information for enemies and restricted camera # ui_onscreen_kb false; # ui_onscreen_kb , Enable on-screen keyboard for touch # unit_info_expanded true; # unit_info_expanded , If true, unit info panel will show all stats # unit_info_show_description false; # unit_info_show_description , If true, shows short description on unit info panel. If false shows bullet points summing up unit # unit_info_shown_in_battle false; # unit_info_shown_in_battle , If true, unit info panel is shown in battle # alliance_faction_colours false; # alliance_faction_colours , If true, units in battles will be coloured based on allegiance to player rather than using their faction colours to make it easier to tell units apart # ui_show_space_bar_options true; # ui_show_space_bar_options , If true, when holding space will show list of options to customise ui visualisation # battle_time_limit 60; # battle_time_limit , Sets the time (in minutes) for each battle. -1 for unlimited # battle_difficulty 0; # battle_difficulty , Sets the handicap for battles. Positive gives advantage. -2 is vhard, -1 is hard, 0 normal, 1 easy # autoresolve_difficulty 0; # autoresolve_difficulty , Sets the handicap for battles that are autoresolved. Positive gives advantage. -2 is vhard, -1 is hard, 0 normal, 1 easy # campaign_difficulty 1; # campaign_difficulty , Sets the handicap for campaigns. Positive gives advantage. -2 is vhard, -1 is hard, 0 normal, 1 easy # advice_level 0; # advice_level , Sets advice level in the game # advisor_mode 2; # advisor_mode , Sets Advisor options. 0 – text only, 1 – audio only, 2 – text and audio both # adc_enabled true; # adc_enabled , Determines if aide de camp is enabled # campaign_time_limit -1; # campaign_time_limit , Sets the time (in minutes) for each round of the campaign. -1 for unlimited # campaign_tacmap_filter_default -1; # campaign_tacmap_filter_default , Bitmask filter remembered for tacmap icon filters; this one is for tacmap not in diplomacy # campaign_tacmap_filter_diplomacy 0; # campaign_tacmap_filter_diplomacy , Bitmask filter remembered for tacmap icon filters; this one is for tacmap in diplomacy # automanage_regions false; # automanage_regions , Let the AI manage taxes etc in players regions # multithreaded_model_enabled true; # multithreaded_model_enabled , Run the battle model on a separate thread # subtitles false; # subtitles , Display subtitles during movies # force_large_armies_enabled false; # force_large_armies_enabled , If true, will override limits for custom battle so can have as many large armies as want. However, there is a high chance of lag/crashing with too many units that a lot of machines cannot handle. # sound_master_volume 100; # sound_master_volume , master sound volume 0-100 # sound_music_volume 100; # sound_music_volume , music sound volume 0-100 # sound_advisor_volume 100; # sound_advisor_volume , advisor sound volume 0-100 # sound_previous_advisor_volume 100; # sound_previous_advisor_volume , Last modified sound value # sound_vo_volume 100; # sound_vo_volume , vo sound volume 0-100 # sound_sfx_volume 100; # sound_sfx_volume , sfx sound volume 0-100 # sound_previous_master_volume 100; # sound_master_previous_volume , Last modified sound value # sound_previous_music_volume 100; # sound_music_previous_volume , Last modified sound value # sound_previous_vo_volume 100; # sound_previous_vo_volume , Last modified sound value # sound_previous_sfx_volume 100; # sound_master_previous_volume , Last modified sound value # sound_master_enabled true; # sound_master_enabled , master sound enabled # sound_music_enabled true; # sound_music_enabled , music sound enabled # sound_vo_enabled true; # sound_vo_enabled , vo sound enabled # audio_speaker_configuration 0; # audio_speaker_configuration , 0 = 2.0 Speakers, 1 = 2.0 Headphones, 2 = 5.1, 2 = 7.1 # audio_quality 0; # audio_quality , 0 = high(default), 1 = medium, 2 = low # audio_mute_in_background true; # audio_mute_in_background , Mute game audio when not in focus # audio_api_type 0; # audio_api_type , 0 = detect, 1 = XAudio2, 2 = DirectSound, 3 = wasapi # voice_chat_enable true; # voice_chat_enable , Enables VOIP functionality in Steam. (default = true) # voice_chat_microphone_gain 100; # voice_chat_microphone_gain , voice_chat_microphone_gain (0-100). # voice_chat_microphone_gain_boost true; # voice_chat_microphone_gain_boost , Boost microphone gain. # voice_chat_volume 100; # voice_chat_volume , Voice chat volume (0-100). # voice_chat_transmit_only_when_key_pressed true; # voice_chat_transmit_only_when_key_pressed , voice_chat_transmit_only_when_key_pressed (otherwise always trasnmitting). # bink_use_thread true; # bink_use_thread , tells bink to use asynchronous update, increased performance on some systems, decreased on others. (default = true) # number_of_threads 0; # number_of_threads , Set the number of threads <= 0 – automatic, >0 = explicit number # proximity_fading false; # proximity_fading , When enabled, entities will automatically fade out as get close to them rather than clipping with camera. # unit_spotlights true; # unit_spotlights , When enabled, units will have a spotlight over their unit banners in underground battles to help see them. # number_of_threads_for_campaign_pathfinder_cache 0; # number_of_threads_for_campaign_pathfinder_cache , Set the number of threads to be used for the campaign pathfinder cache. This is independent from and additional to the number_of_threads. < 0 – automatic up to the specified number, >= 0 – explicit number # campaign_zocs_always_shown_for_selected_force false; # campaign_zocs_always_shown_for_selected_force , Always displays the zone of control for the selected force, not just when the mouse is over it. # autosave_to_disk_and_cloud false; # autosave_to_disk_and_cloud , Save a copy of autosaves to the cloud # save_to_cloud true; # save_to_cloud , Default to saving to cloud # incremental_autosave_enabled false; # incremental_autosave_enabled , If enabled, campaign will automatically create a new autosave each turn #

  10. Speichert die Datei als preferences.script ab und beachtet, dass die Codierung auf Unicode, nicht ANSI eingestellt ist

  11. Startet das Spiel, setzt Eure Einstellungen, startet ein Gefecht, startet das Spiel neu – Eure Einstellungen sollten nun ordnungsgemäß gespeichert worden sein

Ausführliche Anleitung

Schritt 1

Zunächst müsst Ihr checken, ob bei Euch das Problem ebenfalls durch eine fehlende Präferenz-Datei ausgelöst wird.

Drückt dafür die Windows-Taste und R – es öffnet sich die „Ausführen“-Konsole, in welche ihr nun folgendes eingebt:


Es wurde nun der AppData-Ordner auf Eurem PC geöffnet.

Schritt 2

Geht nun auf den Ordner „Roaming“ (es kann sein, dass Ihr nach der %appdata%-Eingabe direkt in diesem Ordner landet).

Auf Roaming geht Ihr nun in den Ordner „The Creative Assembly“.

In The Creative Assembly befindet sich der Ordner „Warhammer2“ – in diesem findet sich wiederum der Ordner „scripts“.

Der Dateipfad sieht dann folgend aus:

Euer Benutzername/AppData/Roaming/The Creative Assembly/Warhammer2/scripts

Ist der scripts-Ordner leer bzw. findet sich dort keine Datei mit dem Namen „preferences.script“, ist vermutlich das der Grund, weshalb die Einstellungen nicht gespeichert werden und diese Anleitung könnte die Lösung für Euch sein.

Schritt 3

Nachdem klar ist, dass Euch die Präferenz-Skript-Datei fehlt, müssen wir diese manuell erstellen. Das ist einfach und schnell gemacht!

Im Ordner scripts erstellt Ihr ein neues Textdokument (über Notepad / Microsoft Editor) und kopiert folgenden Inhalt in dieses:

Inhalt des Textdokuments – ausklappen
write_preferences_at_exit true; # write_preferences_at_exit , Write preferences at exit # app_multirun true; # app_multirun , Allow multiple instances of the application # x_res 1024; # x_res , Fixed window width # y_res 768; # y_res , Fixed window height # x_pos 440; # x_pos , Window position # y_pos 125; # y_pos , Window position # vfs_log_level 0; # vfs_log_level , 0 – off, 1 – mod-user, 2 – dev # unit_test false; # unit_test , unit test (for daily build) # gfx_first_run false; # gfx_first_run , First time application run # gfx_video_memory 0; # gfx_video_memory , Override available video memory (bytes) # gfx_fullscreen false; # gfx_fullscreen , Run the application in fullscreen or not # gfx_vsync false; # gfx_vsync , vertical synchronization # explicit_thread_affinity true; # explicit_thread_affinity, Enable thread affinity # enable_steam_update_thread true; # enable_steam_update_thread, Enable Steam Update Thread # gfx_aa 0; # gfx_aa , Set antialiasing, 0-no, 1 = FXAA # gfx_texture_filtering 0; # gfx_texture_filtering , Set texture filtering, 0-trilinear, 4- anisotropic 16x # gfx_texture_quality 0; # gfx_texture_quality , Set the quality of textures. 0 – small, 3 – ultra # gfx_device_type 1; # gfx_device_type , Set device type, 0-D3D11 1-D3D11, 2-GL3 3-D3D12 # gfx_ssao false; # gfx_ssao , Enable Screen Space Ambient Occlusion buffer # gfx_distortion true; # gfx_distortion , Enable Distortion Effect buffer # gfx_depth_of_field 0; # gfx_depth_of_field , Set depth of field quality 0 – off, 2 – high # gfx_fog 0; # gfx_fog , Set the fog level. 0 – low, 1 – high # gfx_unlimited_video_memory false; # gfx_unlimited_video_memory , Enable unlimited video memory allocation # gfx_tesselation false; # gfx_tesselation , Enable tesselation # gfx_alpha_blend 0; # gfx_alpha_blend , Set the alpha blending quality, 0 – alpha test, 1 – standard OIT, 2 – Intel accelerated AOIT # gfx_gpu_select 0; # gfx_gpu , Select gpu on a multi-gpu config, 0 = first gpu, 1 = second gpu, … # gfx_direct_resource_access false; # gfx_direct_resource_access , Enable Direct Resource Access # gfx_sky_quality 0; # gfx_sky_quality , Set the quality of sky. 0 – low, 3 – ultra # gfx_unit_quality 0; # gfx_unit_quality , Set the quality of units. 0 – low, 3 – ultra # gfx_building_quality 0; # gfx_building_quality , Set the quality of buildings. 0 – low, 3 – ultra # gfx_water_quality 0; # gfx_water_quality , Set the quality of water. 0 – low, 3 – ultra # gfx_shadow_quality 0; # gfx_shadow_quality , Set shadow quality. 0 – off, 4 – extreme # gfx_tree_quality 0; # gfx_tree_quality , Set tree quality. 0 – low, 3 – ultra # gfx_grass_quality 0; # gfx_grass_quality , Set grass quality. 0 – low, 3 – ultra # gfx_terrain_quality 0; # gfx_terrain_quality , Set terrain quality. 0 – low, 3 – ultra # gfx_lighting_quality 0; # gfx_lighting_quality , Set lighting quality. 0 – low, 1 – high # gfx_unit_size 0; # gfx_unit_size , Set unit size. 0 – small, 3 – ultra # gfx_screen_space_reflections false; # gfx_screen_space_reflections , Enable Screen Space Reflections. # gfx_dx12_multi_gpu false; # gfx_dx12_multi_gpu , Enable DirectX 12 multi GPU support. IMPORTANT: the Steam Overlay must currently be disabled or the game will crash ; Steam -> Settings -> In-Game -> Enable the Steam Overlay while in-game # gfx_gamma_setting 2; # gfx_gamma_setting , Set gamma correction # gfx_brightness_setting 1.2; # gfx_brightness_setting , Set brightness # gfx_resolution_scale 1; # gfx_resolution_scale , 0-1 Resolution scale that 3d scene is rendered at and then upscaled to fill the scene (so lower is better performance, but looks worse) # gfx_screenshot_folder “./screenshots”; # gfx_screenshot_folder , Folder to where save screenshots relative to Empire directory # gfx_gpu “”NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980″”; # gfx_gpu , The GPU description # gfx_effects_quality 0; # gfx_effects_quality , Set effects quality. 0 – low, 3 – ultra # gfx_vignette false; # gfx_vignette , Enable vignette # gfx_blood_effects false; # gfx_blood_effects , Enable Blood effects # batter_meter false; # battery meter , Show battery status # porthole_3d false; # porthole_3d , If true, portholes in UI use 3d models. Otherwise use 2d images. # fix_res true; # fix_res , Forbid window resizing # fix_window_pos true; # fix_window_pos , Forbid window repositioning # camera_move_speed 100; # camera_move_speed , Set camera movement speed # camera_turn_speed 5; # camera_turn_speed , Set camera turn speed # cinematic_smoothing -15; # cinematic_smoothing , Set battle cinematic smoothing level, must be negative. # default_battle_camera_type 0; # default_battle_camera , default battle camera: 0-totalwar 1-rts 2-debug 3-cinematic 4-arena # mouse_wheel_sensitivity 50; # mouse_wheel_sensitivity , mouse wheel sensitivity: <0-100> default value = 50 # invert_cam_x_axis false; # invert_camera_x_axis , invert camera tilting up/down # invert_cam_y_axis false; # invert_camera_y_axis , invert camera panning left/right # ui_mouse_scroll true; # ui_mouse_scroll , Allow/disallow scrolling of the map by putting the cursor at the edge of the screen # lock_cursor_to_window false; # lock_cursor_to_window , If true, cursor will be clamped to confines of game window # battle_camera_shake_enabled true; # battle_camera_shake_enabled , Enable battle camera shake effects # ui_colour_profile 0; # ui_colour_profile <0|1|2|3>, 0 = default, 1 = deuteranopia, 2 = protanopia, 3 = tritanopia # ui_scale 1; # ui_scale , Scale of UI, 1 is default size. Can range between 0.5-2, 0.5 being half size and 2 being double size, but can only scale up if running 1440p or larger res # ui_selection_markers 1; # ui_selection_markers , Show the selection markers under the units (0 is off, 1 is show on mouseover/hold space, 2 is locked on all the time) # ui_path_markers 1; # ui_path_markers , Show paths in naval battles (0 is off, 1 is show on mouseover/hold space, 2 is locked on all the time) # ui_target_zones 1; # ui_target_zones , Show firing arcs etc (0 is off, 1 is show on mouseover/hold space, 2 is locked on all the time) # ui_unit_auras 1; # ui_unit_auras , Show unit auras (inspiration/scare ranges) (0 is off, 1 is show on mouseover/hold space, 2 is locked on all the time) # ui_unit_id_cats 1; # ui_unit_id_cats , If true, will show category icon part of unit cats (0 is off, 1 is show on mouseover/hold space, 2 is locked on all the time) # ui_unit_id_bars 2; # ui_unit_id_bars , If true, will show bars (health, ammo) part of unit cats (0 is off, 1 is show on mouseover/hold space, 2 is locked on all the time) # ui_unit_id_status 1; # ui_unit_id_status , If true, will show status part of unit cats (0 is off, 1 is show on mouseover/hold space, 2 is locked on all the time) # ui_unit_id_threat 1; # ui_unit_id_threat , If true, will show threat of enemy units to current selection if just a single unit selected # ui_unit_flags 2; # ui_unit_flags , If true, will show 3d flags above units (0 is off, 2 is locked on all the time) # ui_unit_tooltip_effects 2; # ui_unit_tooltip_effects , If true, will show ability effects on unit tooltip (0 is off, 2 is locked on all the time) # ui_leaf_clipping 2; # ui_leaf_clipping , If true, will hide nearby leaves to make fighting in forests more user friendly (0 is off, 1 is just clip on hold space, 2 is locked on all the time) # show_projectile_trails true; # show_projectile_trails , Show projectile trails… # ui_show_help_markers true; # ui_show_help_markers , Show/hide the markers that indicate various things such as disembark zones and bastions # ui_telestration_always_on false; # ui_telestration_always_on , Enables telestration for single player (for if want to draw for replays, or videos, etc) # ui_card_mode true; # ui_card_mode , Determines if card panel shown or minimised # ui_radar_mode true; # ui_radar_mode , Determines if radar panel shown or minimised # ui_radar_scale 1; # ui_radar_scale , Scale of battle radar # ui_unit_tooltip_expand_mode 2; # ui_unit_tooltip_expand_mode <0|1|2>, 0 = never expand, 1 = delayed expand, 2 = always expand # battle_groups_locked_by_default true; # battle_groups_locked_by_default , If true, groups created in battle will default to locked formation groups. Otherwise will default to selection groups (default) # battle_run_by_default true; # battle_run_by_default , If true, drag out orders (right click, alt+left, and shift right click drawing of paths) will run by default, otherwise will walk (default is run) # battle_skirmish_default false; # battle_skirmish_default , If true, units in battle with skirmish will have it on by default # battle_defend_default true; # battle_defend_default , If true, units in battle with skirmish will have it on by default # scroll_transition_enabled true; # scroll_transition_enabled , If true, scrolling camera/tacmap will auto-transition between the two (default on) # chat_window_pos_x 0; # chat_window_pos_x , chat windows position on screen # chat_window_pos_y 47; # chat_window_pos_y , chat windows position on screen # chat_window_width_scale 1; # chat_window_width_scale , chat windows dimensions on screen # chat_window_height_scale 1; # chat_window_height_scale , chat windows dimensions on screen # browser_window_pos_x 265; # browser_window_pos_x , browser windows position on screen # browser_window_pos_y 159; # browser_window_pos_y , browser windows position on screen # browser_window_width_scale 1; # browser_window_width_scale , browser windows dimensions on screen # browser_window_height_scale 1; # browser_window_height_scale , browser windows dimensions on screen # ui_unit_id_scale 0; # ui_unit_id_scale , Sets scale of unit banners # battle_realism_mode false; # allow_battle_realism_mode , Imposes legendary difficulty settings on battle ui; no radar, reduced tooltip and banner information for enemies and restricted camera # ui_onscreen_kb false; # ui_onscreen_kb , Enable on-screen keyboard for touch # unit_info_expanded true; # unit_info_expanded , If true, unit info panel will show all stats # unit_info_show_description false; # unit_info_show_description , If true, shows short description on unit info panel. If false shows bullet points summing up unit # unit_info_shown_in_battle false; # unit_info_shown_in_battle , If true, unit info panel is shown in battle # alliance_faction_colours false; # alliance_faction_colours , If true, units in battles will be coloured based on allegiance to player rather than using their faction colours to make it easier to tell units apart # ui_show_space_bar_options true; # ui_show_space_bar_options , If true, when holding space will show list of options to customise ui visualisation # battle_time_limit 60; # battle_time_limit , Sets the time (in minutes) for each battle. -1 for unlimited # battle_difficulty 0; # battle_difficulty , Sets the handicap for battles. Positive gives advantage. -2 is vhard, -1 is hard, 0 normal, 1 easy # autoresolve_difficulty 0; # autoresolve_difficulty , Sets the handicap for battles that are autoresolved. Positive gives advantage. -2 is vhard, -1 is hard, 0 normal, 1 easy # campaign_difficulty 1; # campaign_difficulty , Sets the handicap for campaigns. Positive gives advantage. -2 is vhard, -1 is hard, 0 normal, 1 easy # advice_level 0; # advice_level , Sets advice level in the game # advisor_mode 2; # advisor_mode , Sets Advisor options. 0 – text only, 1 – audio only, 2 – text and audio both # adc_enabled true; # adc_enabled , Determines if aide de camp is enabled # campaign_time_limit -1; # campaign_time_limit , Sets the time (in minutes) for each round of the campaign. -1 for unlimited # campaign_tacmap_filter_default -1; # campaign_tacmap_filter_default , Bitmask filter remembered for tacmap icon filters; this one is for tacmap not in diplomacy # campaign_tacmap_filter_diplomacy 0; # campaign_tacmap_filter_diplomacy , Bitmask filter remembered for tacmap icon filters; this one is for tacmap in diplomacy # automanage_regions false; # automanage_regions , Let the AI manage taxes etc in players regions # multithreaded_model_enabled true; # multithreaded_model_enabled , Run the battle model on a separate thread # subtitles false; # subtitles , Display subtitles during movies # force_large_armies_enabled false; # force_large_armies_enabled , If true, will override limits for custom battle so can have as many large armies as want. However, there is a high chance of lag/crashing with too many units that a lot of machines cannot handle. # sound_master_volume 100; # sound_master_volume , master sound volume 0-100 # sound_music_volume 100; # sound_music_volume , music sound volume 0-100 # sound_advisor_volume 100; # sound_advisor_volume , advisor sound volume 0-100 # sound_previous_advisor_volume 100; # sound_previous_advisor_volume , Last modified sound value # sound_vo_volume 100; # sound_vo_volume , vo sound volume 0-100 # sound_sfx_volume 100; # sound_sfx_volume , sfx sound volume 0-100 # sound_previous_master_volume 100; # sound_master_previous_volume , Last modified sound value # sound_previous_music_volume 100; # sound_music_previous_volume , Last modified sound value # sound_previous_vo_volume 100; # sound_previous_vo_volume , Last modified sound value # sound_previous_sfx_volume 100; # sound_master_previous_volume , Last modified sound value # sound_master_enabled true; # sound_master_enabled , master sound enabled # sound_music_enabled true; # sound_music_enabled , music sound enabled # sound_vo_enabled true; # sound_vo_enabled , vo sound enabled # audio_speaker_configuration 0; # audio_speaker_configuration , 0 = 2.0 Speakers, 1 = 2.0 Headphones, 2 = 5.1, 2 = 7.1 # audio_quality 0; # audio_quality , 0 = high(default), 1 = medium, 2 = low # audio_mute_in_background true; # audio_mute_in_background , Mute game audio when not in focus # audio_api_type 0; # audio_api_type , 0 = detect, 1 = XAudio2, 2 = DirectSound, 3 = wasapi # voice_chat_enable true; # voice_chat_enable , Enables VOIP functionality in Steam. (default = true) # voice_chat_microphone_gain 100; # voice_chat_microphone_gain , voice_chat_microphone_gain (0-100). # voice_chat_microphone_gain_boost true; # voice_chat_microphone_gain_boost , Boost microphone gain. # voice_chat_volume 100; # voice_chat_volume , Voice chat volume (0-100). # voice_chat_transmit_only_when_key_pressed true; # voice_chat_transmit_only_when_key_pressed , voice_chat_transmit_only_when_key_pressed (otherwise always trasnmitting). # bink_use_thread true; # bink_use_thread , tells bink to use asynchronous update, increased performance on some systems, decreased on others. (default = true) # number_of_threads 0; # number_of_threads , Set the number of threads <= 0 – automatic, >0 = explicit number # proximity_fading false; # proximity_fading , When enabled, entities will automatically fade out as get close to them rather than clipping with camera. # unit_spotlights true; # unit_spotlights , When enabled, units will have a spotlight over their unit banners in underground battles to help see them. # number_of_threads_for_campaign_pathfinder_cache 0; # number_of_threads_for_campaign_pathfinder_cache , Set the number of threads to be used for the campaign pathfinder cache. This is independent from and additional to the number_of_threads. < 0 – automatic up to the specified number, >= 0 – explicit number # campaign_zocs_always_shown_for_selected_force false; # campaign_zocs_always_shown_for_selected_force , Always displays the zone of control for the selected force, not just when the mouse is over it. # autosave_to_disk_and_cloud false; # autosave_to_disk_and_cloud , Save a copy of autosaves to the cloud # save_to_cloud true; # save_to_cloud , Default to saving to cloud # incremental_autosave_enabled false; # incremental_autosave_enabled , If enabled, campaign will automatically create a new autosave each turn #

Ihr könnt den Inhalt natürlich auch aus dem Total War Forum kopieren.

Schritt 4

In dem Textdokument geht Ihr nun auf den Reiter „Datei“ und zu „Speichern unter“. Stellt sicher, dass unter dem Aspekt „Codierung“ UTF-8 eingestellt (also Unicode und nicht ANSI).

Speichert das Textdokument unter dem Namen „preferences.script“ – fertig.


Erstellt einfach ein Textdokument, kopiert den Inhalt und speichert es als preferences.script ab.

Nun ist eigentlich schon alles getan – Ihr könnte die Ordner nun verlassen und Total War: WARHAMMER II starten.

Schritt 5

Um kurz zu testen, ob das Problem gelöst wurde, könnt Ihr Eure Einstellungen anpassen, kurz ein Gefecht starten und das Spiel dann neu starten – jetzt müssten Eure Anpassungen korrekt gespeichert worden sein (bei mir speichert das Spiel die Einstellungen nur, wenn mindestens einmal ein Gefecht oder eine Kampagnen-Karte geladen wurde).


Damit solltet Ihr Total War: WARHAMMER II in Zukunft wieder entspannt spielen können, ohne dass bei jedem Start wieder alle Einstellungen neu vorgenommen werden müssten.

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